Thursday 25 January 2007

The Full Monty

alright everyone here it is. THE FULL MONTY I call it. This is me at the range. We had to go and shoot to make sure that our weapons are zeroed. Meaning that we are actually shooting on target. YES I am still a sniper. The range officer asked what was I doing in the Medical field and I told him. Well if I was anything else I would have to wear this get up more often. He just laughed and said that I really was COOL. like I haven't heard that before.
Ok here is a little backround. What I am wearing is called your PPE. Personal proctection equipment. My first layer is my combats, the second is my frag vest, to you normal folk its a bullet proof vest. There are 2 plates in it one in the front and one in the back. It weighs about 35 pounds. Then on top of that i have my Tac fest. it has all kind of pockets for my ammunition and all other sort of things. along with that you have your weapon, which i have 2 a c7 and a pistol and your helmet AKA the bucket your balistic eye wear that is shatter proof, ear plugs........................... and if you con't feel like The Stay Puff Marshmellow man and you are walking normal then chances are you forgot something.
Just Picture this......................our troops outside the wire wear all this gear and then some. our medical staff that go outside still have a 40 pound medical bag to carry. CRAZY eh NOW PICTURE THIS......................WEARING THAT IS when its 50 degrees out. That is dedication. I had a hard enough time to get it on and out the door. God forbid you have to go to the bathroom. although this morning I forgot that my wallet was in the first layer and there was no way I was getting at that so all that meant was.............NO TIM"S for me LOL maybe later. Now i am showered and off to the hospital where I will continue the work that I like to do. We have a heavy load today but we have the tunes and the surgeons so we are all good
Talk to you all later. SCRUBS ARE THE WAY TO GO!!!!!


Janine said...

Holy Crap - G.I. Crystal! You must have been sweating like crazy....
The dust at Ping Pong is nuts!! It must be kinda hard to breathe...
Miss yu lots,

Kyla Blois said...

wow you are hot in those camo clothes!!! sounds like everything is going geat!!! i can t believe its already been a whole month!!! time will fly.

Kerri Mc said...

you look hot hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

effie said...

hey crystal
i have been reading all your stuff...but i just got signed up. Anyway, i guess i don't have to say how cute you look seeing how you already know!!!
Sounds like everything seems to be going good over there...i like the pic's..and i still can't believe you fire a gun!
keep us posted