Monday 5 February 2007

The beauty of Children

Today was a good day. We totally cleaned the OR from top to bottom and the Chief had a move the CSR shelving around, to seperate the CLEAN side from the DIRTY side. ROTO 2 i will send you pictures and man it looks totally diferent.

I don't have any pictures of my own today but I know that you will like those ones. Today was awesome becuase we received letters from Grade 2 Students. We were giving the letters to read and then we wrote them back on a postcard. These kids are so cute. One of them told me how much he loves the Edmonton Oilers and we all know that I like the way he thinks. Here is a quote from one of them

" I think that Soldiers are important because they protect the people from dieing and they also protect the world from the bad guys"

another one

"At our Rememberance DAy parade Ceremony I read my wishes for the world. This is my wish. If all the children of the world would have a family and then the children will be alot happier and have alot more fun. If all the children of the world had clean water and food they would not stav to deth and they would not die of thirst"
They are very touching and being over here and getting those letters makes you feel special. These kids are thinking of us and that gives a good feeling. I saved the letters and I have them on my wall. They are memories of here.
Mom can you save all the articles from my time here for my scrapbook. I want this expeience to be a momorable one.
Finally My tip of the day is the future are the kids and they are very important. They are pure and we need to give them more credit, they speak from the heart.


mum and dad said...

Nice photos. The comments from the kids are awsome! Keep on trucking.

Janine said...

Makes all the hard work and being away from family & friends all worth it!

Unknown said...

I see that Pete emailed the pics to you. Ceilidh was stoic as usual, while Mason was hamming it up as he always does. I dropped Ceilidh off at daycare this morning and Mason was there. He wanted to give me a hug before I left, it was super cute. If only Ceilidh would do that.
The kids letters are really cute. Kids are more aware and smarter about the world than we give them credit for, which is the reason why we have to further educate them about these sort of things. Too bad the adults have to complicate things...

Kerri Mc said...

oh my god how do you keep it together when you get things like that? Hey those pics are super cute!! cousins aah... I will write you an email about Brian it is sooo good!!!

stones said...

Nobody says it better than kids.

Amanda said...

So cute....tears to the eyes. I love it.