Friday 6 April 2007

The Eerie Silence

Well things are different has been too quiet. I mean that in a good way, but its freaky. Since I have been here we have had casualties EVERYDAY. We haven't had a patient walk in the hospital in a week. Well thats a lie, we had 2 I think but they were not emergencies by any stretch. It is the weirdest feeling becuase everyday you think to today the day. I am finding hard to sleep sometimes because there is that anticipation of. When is the beeper going to go off. I love having the time to sit in the sun and catch some down time, but the other sid e of that is it makes for long days. I think about my family. I think that instead of sitting around waiting for laundry and soaking up the rays I would love to be home with my boys. Slapshooting some balls with Mason. I have 3 months down and I can now say that i will be home next month for a visit. Can't wait to see all of you.

1 comment:

Kyla Blois said...

finally i can see you blog again!!! you ll be home in time to see my fat belly !!