Friday 20 April 2007

My Tan,

Here are some pictures of my Tan. I think that I will lose it fast because it is way to hot out to sit out anymore. I try to sit out and after 3 minutes you are full of sweat and you all know me......I can't sit still on a good day let alone in this heat. When there is heat ...............there are TONS of bugs. I have never seen so many freakin Grasshoppers. You sit at tim hortons and you are surrounded by Afghan bugs. At night you look at the light and it is COVERED with bugs.

On another note things are still truckin along this week, We lost 2 more one being a 6 year old boy. He looked only four. It was sad, we did the surgery and he died a couple of hours later. I think that i am totally ready for a vacation. How funny is it that i am calling going home a VACATION. You know its bad when someone asks you what you are doing and you say that you are going to go home meaning the shacks. I really can't wait to come HOME HOME. too bad I have to come back here.

Enough of that i am off to get my ammo for the Night shoot tonight. I will write again soon oh yeah the last picture is me impressed with being there LOL LOL

1 comment:

Janine said...

Holy Shit - After seeing how hot you look - I just made a tanning appointment!!! LOL!
Love yu!